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Tropicana Orange Juice: Not So Orange!
Alissa Hamilton, author of the book “Squeezed: What You Don’t Know About Orange Juice” describes the undisclosed process by which orange...
The Reinvention of Shoppers Drug Mart
Shoppers Drug Mart is no doubt an iconic brand here in Canada. With over 1200 retail outlets across the country, Canadians can count on...
Canadian Banks: Is the Golden Halo Starting to Crack
CBC’s recent revelations about employee aggressive sales behaviour at the big banks represent a significant crack in the golden halo that...
Complexity Theory
Many of us are interested in explaining and predicting why organizations behave in the way that they do, and how that behavior influences...

Business' Role in Social Problems: Villain or Hero?
Business strategy scholar Michael Porter recently presented a TED Talk entitled “Why business can be good at solving social problems”. ...

Why do we ignore climate change?
The scientific community has reached a consensus that the build-up of heat-trapping emissions from burning fossil fuels and clearing...
The Meaning of Life According to Brands
Naomi Klein's No Logo has become a rather influential book that discusses the growing presence of advertisements and branding in society...
Why the “Free Market” Today Resembles Soviet-Style Communism
A free market isn’t the same as “freedom.” In several blog posts, I’ve heavily criticized the conservative perspective that naively – and...
Putting the "Public" Back into "Publication"
Let’s talk about the academic publishing industry. Or, as I like to refer to it, knowledge hoarders! I’m an academic. It is my job to...
Exploiting Consumer Irrationality
A fundamental assumption underlying economic theory is that the market, through consumer choice, represents the most efficient mechanism...
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